Meet Nishika, who went from a year-long internship to a full-time role as a firmware engineer. With a culture that supports her professional growth and development, Nishika is also working to educate more school children about careers in tech.
Based in Malaysia, Grace is a Senior Director for the Global Information System division. She believes Renesas is on a mission to transform the company into a world-class semiconductor manufacturing company.
As an Engineering Director, Seyda has moved with Renesas from Turkey to the UK. The support to move and grow as a leader has also included mentoring and leadership training. Now Seyda is enjoying the opportunity to support more women and interns coming into the industry.
Starting as an application engineer, Nitin has moved on to a more managerial role in the systems and solutions team. He believes that the two things that make Renesas unique are the people, and strong customer relationships.